10 Things To Be Careful About Before Your Hair Transplantation

10 Things To Be Careful About Before Your Hair Transplantation

Hair transplantation is a technique involving the extraction of follicles from the densely populated regions of a patient, typically the occipital area (nape), for transplantation into areas affected by alopecia. Since the transplanted hair is sourced from the patient themselves, the results are optimal, with strong hair growth and no risk of scalp rejection. This procedure is performed on both men and women who require follicle replacement in specific scalp areas due to hair loss.

Hair loss is often viewed as a significant aesthetic concern, leading to feelings of insecurity, low self-esteem, and complexes for many individuals. The surgery, which lasts approximately 6 to 8 hours, is minimally invasive and involves shaving the scalp. There are two methods for this:

1. Partial shave: Only the donor area is shaved, resulting in a less radical change in appearance.

2. Full shave: The entire head, including both donor and recipient areas, is shaved before the surgery.

Additionally, the procedure may involve creating flaps or curtains by shaving small areas in the donor region, which will later be covered by the patient's own hair.

There are many questions that patients ask themselves when considering a hair transplant. We are going to list the 10 most important preoperative tips.

1-Avoid shaving your hair on your own before the procedure.

It is advisable to maintain a minimum hair length prior to the grafting process. This allows for a more accurate assessment of the donor area.

2-Avoid blood-thinning medications before the procedure.

Stop taking drugs like aspirin several days before the intervention.

3- Avoid alcohol intake.

Consuming alcohol or drugs in the days leading up to the transplant can impact the effectiveness of the anesthesia.

4- Do not smoke excessively

Heavy smoking can decrease blood flow to the scalp. Therefore, one day before the transplant and one week after, smoking should be avoided.

5- Ensure the scalp is in good condition.

It's crucial that there are no issues like flaking, eczema, seborrhea, etc., on the patient's scalp.

6- Avoid vitamins and supplements.

Certain vitamins can heighten the risk of bleeding, which is not desirable during surgery.

7- Stop using Minoxidil.

If you typically use Minoxidil for hair loss, discontinue its application one week before the surgery.

8- Choose comfortable and loose-fitting clothing.

Since a hair transplantation procedure can last 6-7 hours, it's important to be comfortable. Find loose clothes and consider wearing a button-down shirt or wide-neck t-shirt to ensure your scalp doesn't touch anything during the operation.

9- Avoid prolonged sun exposure.

It's crucial not to spend too much time in the sun, and make sure you don't get a tan or sunburn before the operation.

10- A restful night's sleep.

Ensure you get a restful night's sleep to help your body prepare for the surgery.